Some women who "choose" to get an abortion actually feel pressured or are forced against their will to make a choice that isn’t truly theirs. It’s important to know that you always have the right to refuse any type of abortion, no matter your circumstances. We're here to provide you with free and confidential services, support, and resources to ensure that the choice you make is your own.
To learn more about your pregnancy and your options,
schedule a free and confidential appointment.
When you receive a positive pregnancy test, it’s natural to want to immediately share the news with your boyfriend. However, we recommend first taking the time to consider your own feelings before telling anyone else.
One of the best ways to do this is to write your thoughts and feelings down on paper as they come up. When you write something down, your mind has to slow down and think about each word. This can make it easier to identify each of the different thoughts you’re having and the emotions associated with each. Essentially, it’s allowing time for your mind and your emotions to work together to process the news. This enables you to be able to fully articulate how you’re feeling and clearly express your emotions when you share the news with others. If you are feeling pressure to abort in Texas,
contact us
for free and confidential help.
Family members often have strong opinions about what is best for you. While most of them are well-intentioned, it can be difficult to set healthy boundaries when it comes to advice from loved ones. Listening to the people who love you is usually a good way to get some advice, but you need to know that legally, the decision is ultimately yours. Abortion is illegal in Texas unless the life of the mother is in danger. While the pregnant female on whom the abortion is performed may not be prosecuted, parents or legal guardians may be prosecuted for performing, inducing, or attempting the abortion in Texas.(1)
Abortion policies currently in effect for Texas. All methods of abortion (telemedicine, abortion pill, suction abortion, and D&E abortions) are currently banned with very limited exception. To better understand your options, schedule an appointment.
The bottom line is that nobody can force you to have an abortion, even if it feels that way. Someone may try to make you feel guilty for getting pregnant, especially if it was unplanned, or they might try to make you feel like an abortion is the only way to avoid feelings of shame or guilt in the future. There are many places that can help you have a safe and healthy pregnancy and provide you with the care you need in a safe and confidential setting. It’s important that you understand all of your pregnancy options early on in the process so you can make an informed choice.
Many women have misconceptions about the different pregnancy options available due to the massive amount of information and conflicting viewpoints in the world today. That’s why we offer information and education about each of your pregnancy options at no cost to you, as we believe that it’s important to get the truth about each pregnancy option that is available to you before you make any decisions.
We provide free unplanned pregnancy services and information about abortion in Texas.
All of our services are 100% free and confidential. We exist to provide accurate medical information and support to women and men facing abortion decisions. Our Women’s Centers do not offer or refer for pregnancy terminations or birth control. Information is provided as an educational service and should not be relied on as a substitute for professional and/or medical advice.
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